Best Apk App Store
A list of the best Android app store – Play store alternative app market where you can get more apps.
While the playstore does provide thousands of apps for your phone or tablet, they may not have the precise ones you actually want. Also, you might be looking for a wider variety of free apps to download. In either case, you do not need to look hard to find other amazing app hot spots as we are here to help.

- Oct 23, 2018 - Number of apps on Top Android App Stores, in millions. Is also home to the 1Mobile Market APK– the dedicated 1Mobile store app for mobile.
- 6 Best Android App store Alternative for Google Playstore. Khaled Shariar-Jul 17, 2016. Visit SlideME Download SlideMe App apk. F-Droid is a bit like an app within an app. Download this, and you will have access to a huge variety of open source applications for your phone or tablet. The app allows you to keep track of all.
Here are the six best alternative app store to the conventional android market.
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Amazon Appstore
Many internet users have already used Amazon for years. Now, they provide a stellar app store that includes libraries of books, movies, games, and much more. They are one of the most reliable and secure app download websites, and many users swear by the Amazon name. This is also an amazing way to spend those gift cards you find in your stockings on games and apps that you will use all year long.
Getjar is appealing to the indy developer or user with this inclination. It has some features that set it apart from other similar app stores. First, a larger portion of the money made through the distribution of the app goes to the developers. The site also gives you updates on apps similar to the ones you have already downloaded, so you can find other applications that will suit your tastes quickly and easily.

SlideME is the perfect choice if you want to get into the community of the app as well as have it provided. They offer a comments section that is posted on the main page, which also goes directly to the developers, and helps other users decide on whether they should download the app or not. It is also much easier to navigate than some other marketplaces. It is optimized for mobile devices and lists apps in a very easy to locate manner.
F-Droid is a bit like an app within an app. Download this, and you will have access to a huge variety of open source applications for your phone or tablet. The app allows you to keep track of all the apps you have downloaded, organize them to your liking, and provides a simple and fast way to remove them if necessary. The best part is, all of the apps available on F-Droid are totally free!
Samsung Apps
Samsung Apps is the perfect site if you are afraid that your particular phone will not be able to handle everything available on the play store. Here you can find apps that are specially made for your phone or service. They provide both free and paid for apps for a variety of systems, but they are all optimized for Samsung phones and tablets.
AppsLib is one of the most organized and clean way to find all the phone/tablet apps you need. Bhaag milkha bhaag full movie. Their cohesive listing system makes it easy to search, browse, and find any app you require. They have a large selection of both paid for and free apps. Interestingly, some those apps are not even available on google’s app store.
Each of the app stores above has their own advantages, some of them also offer free paid apps, reward system to get download premium apps and more. Try these play store alternative app market and let us know your experience.