Chocolatey Install Windows

Chocolatey Install Windows Average ratng: 9,0/10 177 votes

Chocolatey was born out of providing automation for Windows and doing that with packages, packages that could surround an installer but didn't necessarily need to. The Chocolatey install scripts use the Chocolatey package (a nupkg file itself) to be installed and upgraded as just another package. Chocolatey - Install Apps from Command Line This tutorial will show how add the Chocolatey package manager in Windows and use PowerShell or Command Prompt to install applications silently. Chocolatey allows you to install multiple applications with just one command. I did a fresh Chocolatey install on Windows 10 from CMD, and when I run OH2 about 80% of the bindings are installed on the first run. It will take ages to uninstall them.

I'd like to install a list of windows features, e.g. IIS-WebServerRole, saved in a packages.config using chocolatey.

Listing available windows features gives me the ID's....

Putting these ID's in a packages.config and setting the source attribute:

Installing via gives me the error message:

Is it possible to install windows features listed in a package.config?

Lasse NormannLasse Normann

1 Answer

This should be possible, however, there is a known issue in this area.

This is being tracked here:

I would suggest subscribing to that issue for updates on changes.

Chocolatey Install Windows
Gary Ewan ParkGary Ewan Park

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