Black Ops 2 Dlc Maps

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CALL OF DUTY Black Ops 2 ZOMBIES NUKETOWN 2025 Map code DLC PS3 UK 0 results. You may also like.








DLC]] (Downloadable Content) are extras that can be downloaded for a specific price. Treyarch has confirmed there will be four DLC packs for Black Ops 2. These packs will include both Multiplayer Maps and Zombie Maps.

Activision and Treyarch will be offering a Season Pass specifically for Black Ops II that permits access to all four DLC packs for $49.99, which is a discount of $10.

Treyarch is working with Nintendo to bring DLC to the Wii U version of the game in the future, along with the Elite service.

Timed Exclusive DLC[edit]

Just like the past three Call of Duty games, Call of Duty Black Ops II will have Timed Exclusive DLC. The Xbox 360 versions of Black Ops II's will release their DLC about one month earlier than the PS3 and PC versions.

The following is a table of all DLC and the dates they will be released on. The date format is year/month/day. Note: Nuketown Zombies is only available to those with a Season Pass or Collector's Edition.

Name Xbox 360 PC PS3
Nuketown Zombies 2012/12/12 2013/1/17 2013/1/17
Revolution 2013/01/29 2013/2/28 2013/2/28
Uprising 2013/04/16 2013/05/16 2013/05/16
Vengeance 2013/07/2 2013/08/1 2013/08/1
Apocalypse 2013/08/27 2013/09/26 2013/09/26

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