Vsphere Client 6.7

Vsphere Client 6.7 Average ratng: 9,1/10 5897 votes

I recently downloaded the latest sdk and somehow my custom plugins are not working in virgo server. It is giving me errors like:

  • Load denied by X-frame options
  • Refuse to display in a frame because it set multiple 'X-Frame-Options' headers with conflicting values ('deny, SAMEORIGIN'). Falling back to 'deny'.

Is anyone facing such issues with latest sdk. I am using 6.7 web client sdk with 6.7 Vcenter.

Apr 17, 2018  vSphere 6.7 is here! And the vCenter Server Appliance is now the default deployment. This release is full of new enhancements for the vCenter Server Appliance in all areas. Now customers have more tooling to help with monitoring. The vSphere Client. Oct 26, 2018 - If you would like to read my Basic VMware articles, they are listed at the end. 6.7 (ESXi 6.7) using the vSphere (HTML5 Web) Host Client 6.7.

Bhavya BansalBhavya Bansal

1 Answer

There is a known issue when the UI bundle is deployed through Eclipse using Virgo tools.

The issue should not manifest when you do hot deploy i.e. throw your bundles into the server/pickup folder.

Soccer manager games pc. A fix for the issue should be available in an upcoming update.

The release notes for the 6.7 SDK mention another issue the workaround for which should solve your problem too. The issue is Virgo server using incorrect context path when started from Eclipse.

Chennai gana video songs download hd sudhakar. The solution is to pass the following VM arguments to the Virgo instance that gets started from Eclipse (by editing its launch configuration): -Dweb.context.path.match=vsphere-client -Dweb.context.path.replace=ui


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