Pokemon Xy Gba Download Rom
Pokemon Xy Gba Download Rom Average ratng: 9,3/10 4206 votes
Pokemon X and Y GBA Rom Free Download Ever wanted to play Pokemon x and y but don’t have a 3ds? Waiting for citra to make the next breakthrough? play this Pokemon x and y concise for the GBA as you catch new pokemon and battle the mighty team flare. experience the new x and y like you never have before: classical style.

Aug 01, 2018 To play Pokemon XY on PC, you need a 3DS emulator and ROM files. 3DS emulator is a program which allows you to play 3DS games on pc. We have waited for a long time to a working 3DS emulator and it's finally here!
Pokemon X and Y GBA
GBA Game: Pokemon X and Y (Hack)
Release Date: 2014
Genre: RPG
Publisher: XY
Region: (hack)
Languages: English
Pokemon X and Y hack GBA ROM Download
Download Size: 5 MB
Recommended emulator for GameBoy ROMs: VisualBoy Advance.